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Integration of livestock is a key feature of the regenerative farming system that is practiced on the farm
Arable and livestock complement each other very well and the more traditional mixed farm is something we are keen to replicate, however this is something we are able to achieve at Lockerley Estate without owning our own livestock, but gaining the benefits from them. This comes down to strong relationships with local farmers and the Lockerley team -

We have a very close working relationship with our friend Tony Dawkins who has been a key part of the team for the past 4 years. Tony has a nomadic flock that graze grass fields for different land owners in and around the Tytherley area. In the winter, circa 1300 sheep move on to the cover crops in mid-October and graze through until mid-February by which the previous year’s lambs are ready for market and the ewes that have been running with the ram are ready to come into the sheds at Manor Farm for lambing in late March.
As part of the estate’s drive to champion biodiversity, we have introduced 9 English longhorn cattle to some grass fields which will be used to recreate a wilding area. These pedigree longhorns will stay outside all year round and be treated as an organic herd (although not registered organic). Allen Long who keeps his cattle at Bentley farm looks after the day to day health and welfare of the longhorns in return for housing his cattle with us. This new relationship works very well and is another way for local business to support each other.

Our close neighbour at Lockerley Hall farms have 200t of straw from the arable crops and in return we import 850t of farm yard manure after the straw has been used to bed cattle through the winter.
Below ground livestock! Like many other farms around the UK, there has been a realisation over recent years that we have ignored the livestock below our feet…the microbiology in the soil (of which there is billions) are the most precious treasure we farm, and feeding this livestock below ground is as important as the ones that walk on the surface and our regenerative farming methods support both.
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